My Maxims

Le passé c'est le passé, il n'y a pas de raison d'y retourner, sauf de s'en souvenir de temps à l'autre.

Take the water and the moon will be in your hands, touch the flower and its fragrance will never leave you.

The true love has the very opened shining eyes.
The false one is almost completely blind.

The jealousy is the twin sister of the envy and the diffidence.

Tout temps est beau. Tout dépend de l’âme de l’être : elle peut pleurer en plein soleil et rire au froid éternel.

The life is to live and not to suffer

To see the eyes shining of joy and happiness is more than all words of love ever heard

Friend or pal

What do you think about friendship?
To have friends it’s very nice. Without them our life would be very dull and boring. But there are friends and friends and we have to know with whom we can simply laugh and whom we can confide in. More I’m sure that we can have many pals but only one true friend in the life. There are a lot of proverbs and maxims about friends and friendship. Some time ago I have received the letter in french with different portraits of true friend and pal. It was rather interesting to know it. Now you too have a nice chance to know if your friend is true or you’re only pals. May be you have your own opinion about it, so you’re welcome to do your list of friendship.

- Un simple copain, quand il vient chez toi, agit comme un invité.
- Un véritable ami ouvre ton frigo et se sert.

- Un simple copain ne t'as jamais vu pleurer.
- Un véritable ami a les épaules trempées de tes larmes.

- Un simple copain ne connaît pas les prénoms de tes parents.
- Un véritable ami a leurs numéros de téléphone dans son carnet d'adresses.
- Un simple copain apporte une bouteille de vin à tes fêtes.
- Un véritable ami arrive tôt pour t'aider à cuisiner et reste tard pour t'aider à nettoyer.
- Un simple copain déteste quand tu appelles après qu'il soit allé se coucher.
- Un véritable ami te demande pourquoi tu as mis tant de temps à appeler.
- Un véritable ami s'informe de ta romantique histoire d'amour.
- Un simple copain pourrait te faire du chantage avec.
- Un simple copain pense que l'amitié est finie quand vous avez une dispute.
- Un véritable ami t'appelle après une dispute.
- Un simple copain s'attend que tu sois toujours là pour lui.
- Un véritable ami est toujours là pour toi.
- Un simple copain lit ce message et le supprime.
- Un véritable ami le fait passer et te le renvoie.

MyVideoPoem /PerLui

The life is done so that we not only find but also leave each other.
And it's normal.
The only thing we have to do in this situation is to know to keep the dignity and to remember it as a very nice and warm souvenir.
My poem is just about that.
I dedicate it to one man from the bottom of my loving heat.

My pain quotidien

I don’t doubt that if you are asked about your favourite dish you find the answer without difficult.
When one asks me about my favourite dish I become very perplexed cause I don’t know if I have one. But my perplexity grows up when one asks me to give the recipe of some russian dish. It doesn’t mean of course that I don’t know the russian cuisine and can’t cook. Simply I don’t pay much attention to food. More, when I have a lot of work I forget about it, and it’s OK. But sometimes I have a true desire to make happy to my family with my cooking. The one thing I hate in it it’s the cooking needs much time. So if I cook I do it always very quickly but with all my love.
And when I have analized the dishes I love I found out that many of them are not russian. It’s very funny but the true. So I’ve done the hot-list of my favourite dishes. Here it is.
1. Caviar sandwich (russian)
2. Borsch (ukranian national dish)
3. Fish soup (russian)

4. Plov (uzbek)
5. Balish (tatar)
6. Fish pie (russian)
7. Pelmeni (dumplings) (chinese)

8. Stuffed pepper (russian)

9. Baked fish (russian)

10. Lobio (georgian)
11. Golubtsy (russian)

12. Pizza (italian)
13. Lemon cake (russian)

14. Tchak-tchak (tatar)
15. Salads with squids or shrimps (russian)
16. Cabbage salade (russian)