My Maxims

Le passé c'est le passé, il n'y a pas de raison d'y retourner, sauf de s'en souvenir de temps à l'autre.

Take the water and the moon will be in your hands, touch the flower and its fragrance will never leave you.

The true love has the very opened shining eyes.
The false one is almost completely blind.

The jealousy is the twin sister of the envy and the diffidence.

Tout temps est beau. Tout dépend de l’âme de l’être : elle peut pleurer en plein soleil et rire au froid éternel.

The life is to live and not to suffer

To see the eyes shining of joy and happiness is more than all words of love ever heard

Russian Day of Love (8th of July)

The 8th of July in Russia is an Assumption Day of
saint martyr Fevronia and prince Petr.
Their wonder-working icon is in one of the Murom's church.
This couple is a nice model of Christian matrimony.
They are protectors of love, marriage, family.
The legend tells the following about them:
The prince Petr was Yury Dolgoruky's second son, the gran duke of Susdal and Kiev. Before came to the throne in 1203 Petr was taken ill with leprosy, and no one of savant doctors could help him. In dreaming it was opened to him that he could be healed by one peasant girl, the wild-hive beekeeper's daughter, Fevronia. She was a very beautiful, kind and wise, she could cure people and animals.
The prince Petr sent his guards to her place. When she came, he told her that if Fevronia healed him he would marry her. The girl healed him, but the prince didn't keep promise. And as soon as Fevronia went away, he fell ill again. So Fevronia saved him once more and became his wife.
But boyars were very angry with Petr because Fevronia was a commoner and wanted Petr to leave her. The prince Petr refused to do it, so he and his wife had to go away. They left Murom and became to live as commoners but in great love to each other.
In a short time Murom was chastised by God for greed and cruelty. To stop it the boyars begged Petr and Fevronia pardon for all they did and asked them to come back. After their return Fevronia was treated with respect.
When Petr and Fevronia became older, they took of monastic vows as David and Ephrosinia, and prayed God that they might die the same day. They left by will to bury them in one coffin with thin partition-wall.
Indeed they died the same day and hour - the 25th of July (in new style - the 8th of July). But the monks put them in different coffins. The next day the sweet-lovers were founded together in one coffin.
"A man will be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." (Matthieu, 19:6)
Today their relics sleep in the temple of Saint Trinity in Murom. And those who believe in eternel love pray Petr and Fevronia for it.
For all Russians this day is not a day of frivolous lovers as the 14th of February but the day of the true beloved and the happy matrimonies. This year in our country is declared as Familly Year. Certainly it's no coincidence that the 8th of July become a red-letter day, the Day of Love, Familly and Matrimony's Fidelity. The symbol of this day will be camomile (or ox-eye daisy), the very beautiful flower. From of old times this flower with white petals remains the most dearly feelings for beloved in Russia. The bunch of daisies tells about tender true love a la russe.
It's very difficult to find a true love, but to know how to keep it is doubly difficult. The true love doesn't need gold mountains, but the comprehension and the shining eyes.
If you love dearly don't let your love to be ruined.
If you haven't got it yet, let this day help you to find it.
And I dedicate my poem to those who are in search of love.
(Sorry I have only french variant).
Après la pluie le beau temps
après la nuit le beau jour
après le travail le beau repos
après le passé l'extra-futur!
Mais où y est, demanderiez-vous, l'amour?!
Il est caché dans tous ces tours.....
Si vous ne l'avez pas su attraper
Il faut tout simplement recommencer
Et il retourne chez vous
la pluie
la nuit
le travail
ou le passé.


Why do we use nicknames?
What do we hide in it?
Our past? Our present? Our future?
Or they have no any sense?
There is a very interesting cartoon film where the main hero says: " As you name your boat this way it will go forward!"
I agree with it and I think that nicks should be nice and pleasant to produce the good impression to everyone.
I prefer as nicks very concrete words which remind me the images of different situations I have ever been in.


I like to listen to songs in different mood. Some of them reflect the moment you are in. It's great. My favorite song is 'Pour en arriver la' of Dalida. One who knows french can understand me.

Pour en arriver là.
Paroles et Musique: M.Jouveaux, J.Barnel 1984
© Polygram ~ Barclay ~ Orlando Production

J'ai traversé des nuits et des jours sans sommeil
Pour en arriver là
J'ai eu chaud sous la pluie et froid en plein soleil
Pour en arriver là
J'ai parlé à la peur et fait taire le silence
J'ai maquillé les heures j'ai vendu des dimanches
Pour en arriver là, pour en arriver là
J'ai pleuré tant de fois que je n'ai plus de larmes
Pour en arriver là
Je suis tombé cent fois mais sans tomber les armes
Pour en arriver là
J'ai marché sur ma vie plus souvent qu'à mon tour
J'ai mis le mot fini presque à tous mes amours
Pour en arriver là, pour en arriver là
Pour en arriver là j'ai trop douté de tout
De moi de
Dieu de vous
j'ai laissé derrière moi tous mes rêves d'enfance
Aujourd'hui j'ai le cœur presque en état d'urgence
Pour en arriver là
je crois bien qu'avec vous
si j'avais rendez-vous
sans l'ombre d'un regret
Pour en arriver là
Je recommencerai

J'ai appris à hurler juste en dedans de moi
Pour en arriver là
Pour ne pas vous montrer qu'on me montre du doigt
Pour en arriver là
J'ai fait le tour du monde mais je n'ai rien pu voir
L'absence est si profonde qu'elle salit mes miroirs
Pour en arriver là, pour en arriver là
Pour en arriver là
j'ai trop douté de tout de moi de dieu de vous
J'ai laissé derrière moi tous mes rêves d'enfance
Aujourd'hui j'ai le cœur presque en état d'urgence
Pour en arriver là
Je crois bien qu'avec vous
si j'avais rendez-vous
Sans l'ombre d'un regret
pour en arriver là
Je recommencerai
Pour en arriver là
J'ai souvent oublié de prendre deux billets
Ou de dire attends-moi
Pour aller nulle part
J'ai mis dans ma mémoire
Que des débuts d'histoires
Pour en arriver là
Je crois bien qu'avec vous
Si j'avais rendez-vous
sans l'ombre d'un regret
Je recommencerai
Pour arriver là.

Our Little Friends

I never thought that I would fond of any animals or birds. But one day my nephew received a little parrot for birthday, his mom was very angry with this present and they refused of it. Me I had pity on this little bird and took it with idea to give it later for someone. Days passe and Dasha is always with us, it's so cool this bird. Indeed we have to be responsable for those we have domesticated.