My Maxims

Le passé c'est le passé, il n'y a pas de raison d'y retourner, sauf de s'en souvenir de temps à l'autre.

Take the water and the moon will be in your hands, touch the flower and its fragrance will never leave you.

The true love has the very opened shining eyes.
The false one is almost completely blind.

The jealousy is the twin sister of the envy and the diffidence.

Tout temps est beau. Tout dépend de l’âme de l’être : elle peut pleurer en plein soleil et rire au froid éternel.

The life is to live and not to suffer

To see the eyes shining of joy and happiness is more than all words of love ever heard

MyVideoPoem /PerLui

The life is done so that we not only find but also leave each other.
And it's normal.
The only thing we have to do in this situation is to know to keep the dignity and to remember it as a very nice and warm souvenir.
My poem is just about that.
I dedicate it to one man from the bottom of my loving heat.

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